


classical mead



Founded in 2013 by the Meadmeister, after 3 years of homebrewing Mead. He started because at the time the choice of Mead in the UK was sugar or white wine based with added honey. Mead is not a protected term in the UK and so if it is made to resemble a honey flavour (read added Honey Flavouring compound) it can be called mead. Over the last 10 years we have gained a large following of Polish and Czech customers that have settled in the UK. We have also earned 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze medal award at the Mead Madness Cup held in Poland each year. All members of staff are registered Mead Judges (MJP)

Mead production

We produce our mead at ambient temperatures and do not use any temperature control. All fermentation is done in HDPE fermenters which do not taint products with metallic notes. We filter all our products to 0.2micron, several times during production due to not using Sulphite additions and allowing secondary and tertiary fermentations during the maturation period. Many of our meads are Wild fermented and only have the addition of yeast nutrients in the process.

Other products

We sell company Merchandise too