The floral honey mead has the lightest color. Color, smell and taste is strongly influenced by single-honey-meads, which manifested characteristics of honey from a particular source of nectar.

The origin of honey

Blossom honey is also known as nectar, often for meadow. Because it comes from the nectar of plants, mostly blooms, but also from other parts of flowers producing nectar. Its collecting by bees foraging in the nectar pouch in which to bring to the hive about 40mg wort. There forwarded to hive bees which stores nectar in the cells with a volume of about 60-70% of the water and then gradually transfers and thicken and enrich with their pharyngeal secretions juices. Arising honey with a water content of about 18% is being covered in the cells. Honey is important energy reserve for bees for non-harvest periods.

Properties of honey

Pollen in honey is a valuable source of protein, essential oils and vitamins. Flower honeys contain more simple sugars (glucose, fructose), and a lot of pollen grains. Honey is suitable for immediate energy supply. It contains up to 0.5% of vegetable protein and almost no fat content. From the mineral contains e.g. potassium, calcium, magnesium. Also intake of iron and manganese from honey, we can cover a significant portion of the recommended daily dose of these trace elements.

Blossom honey is golden in color and has a sweeter taste of wild honey. Thanks to its high content of glucose honey crystallize rapidly, which is a typical characteristic indicating authenticity of honey.

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